What we do
Our Approach
VISIT WWW.GETCAREERCONFIDENT.CO.UK FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Our Approach Whether we are working with an employee, a young person at a pupil referral unit or at a private school or a career changer our approach in always to help each individual learn how to manage their own careers. This comes from the knowledge that a career is always in flux, changing and growing and for that you need the skills, knowledge and networks and attitude to adapt and change with it. Our support includes workshops, face to face guidance, online resources, e-guidance and psychometric testing. You can find out more about this on the individual client pages. Our core strategy of support follows the idea of career as a journey and there are steps you will repeat a number of times. Often when people are struggling with their decisions it's because they have missed out a key element of the journey. Ask yourself: Research - have you used impartial resources to find out about what interests you and explored other avenues as backup plans and to confirm your route is the best for you? Have you gained the necessary skills (such as effective CV writing) and knowledge (for example labour market intelligence)? Consider Options - have you contrasted and compared various alternatives and how they may suit you. |
Experience - have you 'lived it' or sampled your selections as best you can. This might include speaking to people in the field or taking some work experience/shadowing. Have you built up a network of contacts (people that can help you on your journey?)
Consult - have you included the important people in your life in your decision making process. Remember though, the decision is always yours. This might be the right time to bring in impartial support.
Reflect and Analyse - have you properly considered all your options, do you feel you have sufficient skills, knowledge, networks and support to make the best decision for you?
Our job is to help you identify where on your journey you are and how we can best support you. To do this we emphasise the need for pre and post intervention. You can see how we do this on the individual pages education providers, young people, adults and companies. At all points we encourage you to be:
Curious – explore new learning opportunities
Persistent – exert effort despite setbacks
Flexible – be open to change attitudes and circumstances
Optimistic – view new opportunities as possible and attainable
Risk taker – take action in the face of uncertain outcomes
Confident – be aware and proud of skills and experience
We look forward to working with you!
Consult - have you included the important people in your life in your decision making process. Remember though, the decision is always yours. This might be the right time to bring in impartial support.
Reflect and Analyse - have you properly considered all your options, do you feel you have sufficient skills, knowledge, networks and support to make the best decision for you?
Our job is to help you identify where on your journey you are and how we can best support you. To do this we emphasise the need for pre and post intervention. You can see how we do this on the individual pages education providers, young people, adults and companies. At all points we encourage you to be:
Curious – explore new learning opportunities
Persistent – exert effort despite setbacks
Flexible – be open to change attitudes and circumstances
Optimistic – view new opportunities as possible and attainable
Risk taker – take action in the face of uncertain outcomes
Confident – be aware and proud of skills and experience
We look forward to working with you!