Education Providers
In September 2019 we launched an exciting new programme for young people, parents/carers and teachers called, Get Career Confident.
Visit for more information and to follow us on social media.
For us the key is in the word 'education'. Making smart life decisions is not easy and it is even harder without the necessary skillset, knowledge and support. We support your students by motivating them, raising aspirations, challenging limiting views and helping them connect with who they are and what they can offer the world. We get them thinking big while giving them the resources to take control of their futures by teaching them how to research, helping build their career management skills and honing their networking abilities. The following information provides an overview of the support we can deliver. Please contact us for further information.
Schools (state, academies & private), Colleges (6th forms & Further Education), Pupil Referral Units
Legislation requires all students from years 8 to 13 to receive independent CEIAG, with the emphasis on young people at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training). While supporting these students is critical we think everybody is entitled to professional guidance whether they are high flyers with top marks with their entire lives mapped out or are currently struggling just to make it into school. Our support includes (and is not restricted to):
- workshops on a range of relevant topics differentiated for various age groups and clients. See our workshops page for further information.
- face to face guidance while workshops open the dialogue to get students thinking and online support provides an effective drip feed approach to CEIAG most students will also benefit hugely from seeing an adviser face to face either alone or in small groups. This consolidates any thinking they have done already and helps them focus what steps are still necessary. A one to one session is always followed up by an individual, comprehensive Careers Action Plan outlining the agreed steps and any useful resources.
- assemblies introducing various topics such as post 16 transitions and making decisions.
- e-guidance in our experience career learning happens over time. A one off intervention with no pre or follow up work has little impact on a person's ability to make effective decisions. By offering e-guidance (where students, staff and ideally parents/guardians) can access professional CEIAG from a local adviser 24/7, 365 days a year, we can respond to each individual's needs and support their development over time.
- psychometric testing we are Morrisby Test certified. This test measures general ability, personality and interests and provides a selection of career suggestions which may suit.
- website we are currently developing a south coast specific careers website providing localised CEIAG to young people. It will include resources, a searchable database of careers queries and answers, information feeds (through our social networking sites), info for parents/guardians and staff and a networking forum.
We offer bespoke training to university careers and support staff around CEIAG issues and skills building (see our companies page for more info). We are also happy to share best practices and expertise in other ways.
Language Schools
Having worked with international students and staff both in the UK and abroad we understand students at language schools have specific needs. Be this tapping into the UK labour market, understanding how to sell their skills, tailoring their CVs or exploring where their new found language skills could take them we can offer support to your students via workshops, face to face sessions and e-guidance.
Community Organisations, Training Providers, County Councils
We understand different groups require bespoke approaches to guidance delivery. We are well experienced delivering contracts to councils as well as working with training providers and community organisations to provide their students and clients with a robust support service.
Schools (state, academies & private), Colleges (6th forms & Further Education), Pupil Referral Units
Legislation requires all students from years 8 to 13 to receive independent CEIAG, with the emphasis on young people at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training). While supporting these students is critical we think everybody is entitled to professional guidance whether they are high flyers with top marks with their entire lives mapped out or are currently struggling just to make it into school. Our support includes (and is not restricted to):
- workshops on a range of relevant topics differentiated for various age groups and clients. See our workshops page for further information.
- face to face guidance while workshops open the dialogue to get students thinking and online support provides an effective drip feed approach to CEIAG most students will also benefit hugely from seeing an adviser face to face either alone or in small groups. This consolidates any thinking they have done already and helps them focus what steps are still necessary. A one to one session is always followed up by an individual, comprehensive Careers Action Plan outlining the agreed steps and any useful resources.
- assemblies introducing various topics such as post 16 transitions and making decisions.
- e-guidance in our experience career learning happens over time. A one off intervention with no pre or follow up work has little impact on a person's ability to make effective decisions. By offering e-guidance (where students, staff and ideally parents/guardians) can access professional CEIAG from a local adviser 24/7, 365 days a year, we can respond to each individual's needs and support their development over time.
- psychometric testing we are Morrisby Test certified. This test measures general ability, personality and interests and provides a selection of career suggestions which may suit.
- website we are currently developing a south coast specific careers website providing localised CEIAG to young people. It will include resources, a searchable database of careers queries and answers, information feeds (through our social networking sites), info for parents/guardians and staff and a networking forum.
We offer bespoke training to university careers and support staff around CEIAG issues and skills building (see our companies page for more info). We are also happy to share best practices and expertise in other ways.
Language Schools
Having worked with international students and staff both in the UK and abroad we understand students at language schools have specific needs. Be this tapping into the UK labour market, understanding how to sell their skills, tailoring their CVs or exploring where their new found language skills could take them we can offer support to your students via workshops, face to face sessions and e-guidance.
Community Organisations, Training Providers, County Councils
We understand different groups require bespoke approaches to guidance delivery. We are well experienced delivering contracts to councils as well as working with training providers and community organisations to provide their students and clients with a robust support service.